Found you from comment on Dr Ana, and do not understand this article, is there any possibility of helping out and ‘translating’. I am intelligent and doing lots of research but not a clue with this.

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A green laser of 530nm wavelength will disassemble the Nanorobotic hydrogel actuator, known as the white/yellow mysterious clots. Then all you need to do is chelate it out.

I should make my writing literally digestible for everyone. 😊

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by 420MedicineMan

Thanks for translating, or shall I say, hanging the hay low enough for the goats to eat. lol That would be me. Either way, where can one purchase such a laser? Thanks so much!!!

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The white clots that kill suddenly, are held together with hydrogel, the heavy metals that blink under dark field microscopy are quantum dots, like micro quantum trucks that pull and align the hydrogel. The green laser frequency dissolves the hydrogel, by affecting the electron spin, as it's programable matter. I'm thinking it triggers the micro quantum dot trucks into a different spin state, which then affects the surrounding hydrogel. So programmed audio laser might not be necessary.

I can distance heal, I was chanting at the time of lasering to. Soo might be more affective when I do it to myself. Plus it has it's own audio frequency. Which puts the sacred geometry into it.

The literature above only states you need the green laser.

The audio frequency laser works on our DNA at molecular level.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by 420MedicineMan

Reading the wonderful comments to your post I've just had an a-ha moment with regards to how to possibly disrupt the intake of QDs (quantum dots) into the body/cells-the endocytosis process. Someone mentioned nicotine in a comment to your post.

Bear with me for a hot second.

I became aware early on in the CV game, via Dr. Brian Ardis and Tau Braun, of the many ways venoms are being used ubiquitously, especially in the jab, to induce a lot of the CV symptoms that are being seen-clotting, tremors, sudden death, etc. They're also being sprayed in chemtrails, used in municipal water supplies, just flat out being deployed in every imaginable way.

VENOM STUFF: https://www.lauralynn.tv/2023/05/covid-or-covenom-with-dr-bryan-ardis.html

What is the top cure for venom poisoning? Nicotine or nicotine-containing substances/foods like aubergines, tomatoes, licorice root, etc. There was mention in someone's comment here that they are using a nicotine copper. So that got me thinking.....

Anyway, I discovered that quantum dot endocytosis is greatly enhanced by what? SNAKE VENOMS, aka peptides, aka CPPs (cell-penetrating peptides). What if one of the raison d'etres for the venom, now so ubiquitously in our environment via intentional poisoning by the Nefarium, is to better facilitate the entry of QDs into the cells of all living beings? And thus is built the Transhumanist backbone that we say a BIG. FAT. NO. TO?

Cell-Penetrating Peptides Derived from Animal Venoms and Toxins: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7919042/

So, could one then possibly disrupt the intake of the QDs by taking a nicotine derivative if it is true that their intake is highly dependent on venom-mediated endocytosis? Could be a big stretch of the imagination but I thought I'd put it out there!

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This is the link you asked for on the other thread. Did you notice?

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I wouldn't take any advice from that entity. The Luciferase enzyme doesn't come from bacteria for a start.

I digress.

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We are finding natureal herbs, spices; plants to be helpful against this manmade scourge.

Also a particular , specific, prep of BlackSalve. Not just any preparation called same.




Various plant oils may help topically.

BlackSeed oil oeally or topically.

Some believe Boron in water to drink or in bath watee helps.

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Synthetic venoms are in commonly prescribed meds like zestril, lisinopril, captopril to name a few.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by 420MedicineMan

I would be interested in the laser + audio frequency + sacred geometry in total. Is there anything you can equate to the audio frequency + sacred geometry portion? I use frequency with audio + sacred geometry. It's catalogued as affirmations, homeopathy, homeopathic energetics, and healing frequencies for different bodily ailments. There are emotions such as love, gratitude, forgiveness and affirmations like abundance, etc. Just wondering if any of these equate to the green laser frequency. Also, I imagine that one has to be careful with the use of lasers especially on meridian points, so as to not damage them??

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Yes, it can be used for acupuncture, I just wave it over the skin like a magic wand do it all over my body for 20 minutes, I was doing it twice a day when I was getting rid of my clots. You should avoid waving it over your thyroid gland. I was also using my naturopathic flushing protocol too.

I guess I shouldn't be so paranoid. It is suppressed technology.



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Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing. I'll check them out.

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Please share naturopathic flushing protocol, Ty…or provide a link to previous post dates

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I can’t believe the cost for this laser, it puts it out of the hands of 95% of the population. So do you believe out of all your many treatments, that this wand is at the top of your list for panaceas?

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How come avoid waving it over your thyroid? And what about your heart?

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"There are emotions such as love, gratitude, forgiveness and affirmations like abundance, etc."

I have a different perspective that I feel is important to share.

In my experience all and any feeling/emotion just needs to be felt and allowed to flow through and out. In my experience this is where healing lays. In 'our' culture some feelings/emotions are often labeled good, bad or ugly.

The work of it can be challenging. But in feeling grief, sorrow, anger, rage... etc., a deep vibration happens in one's body that is deeply healing and empowering. To be exactly where one is, the healing itself.

I would go so far as to say that any feeling/emotion is our body loving us. Anger is often asking for a boundary. Fear is likely asking for attention for something old that needs to flow or something in the moment that needs attending.

A depression of feeling is asking us to be gentle and kind with ourselves as we let it move up and out as slowly as it needs to, as it is likely overwhelming and needs care.

Anxiety, a high vibration of stuck energy that begs for release. (one can feel crazy in the moment)

In all this I feel love and gratitude for finding my way into feeling, whatever it may be. But I cannot set a dial to what I prefer. What is just is, like a river flowing smoothly and quietly in one stretch. Spilling it's banks in another. Loud and boisterous as it descends swiftly in a fall.

All vibration, all healing.

And maybe you feel the same and I just didn't understand you.

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Thank you so much for your kind constructive comment. I appreciate it. :)

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I was speaking of a frequency device and the selections available on it.

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So basically what I think you’re saying is, green light deactivates them/it, and red light stimulates them/it?

I am unjabbed, but have horrible reactions to the shedding/transmitting this crap from those who are recently (6 to 7 months of shedding) jabbed.

I break out in horrible rashes that is NOT eczema. It’s an allergic reaction to the crap they’re shedding. I know I’m allergic to PEG, and wonder if that’s also in the shedding. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Three months ago I was shed upon by a woman sitting no more than two butt widths from me, who I over heard her saying she got her C19 and flu jabs the week before. One week out from jabs made her a super shedder! And boy did she not only nail me, but my 91 yo ant who never had a problem with people shedding too. She had rashes all over too.

By that night I was scratching like a flea bitten dog. Over the next 2 days the rashes were showing up everywhere. And much more vast and worse than previous times. By the third day I woke up with the bottom of my eyes swollen. Day four I woke up and the top eyelids were swollen too. I looked like I got punched in the eyes without the bruising. Day five, I went to my acupuncturist who has seen these rashes on me, and has treated me for them. He saw me and said “holy cow, your chest is so deeply red it’s almost looks purple”

Over this last month I could feel something on the underside of the first bone on my right hand ring finger. After the swelling not subsiding, yet getting a little bigger, I started to wonder if it was one of those white fibrous clots. Well, I think I got my answer this past Saturday night.

My aunt and I were out to dinner with friends. I picked up a pretty thick and heavy plate to put the leftovers in a box. As I grabbed the plate and lifted, I hit that spot on my finger on the edge of the plate. It was very painful but I couldn’t let go of the plate or food would have gone everywhere and could have broke the plate. On the drive home I could feel pain on the underside of the knuckle to that finger. As I felt it, it felt like whatever was down in the finger had been pushed up into the hand under that knuckle. And the finger didn’t feel as fat. Later that night, after opening doors and pulling on handles and just general use, I noticed the bump had slid back down into the figure. So, I think my hunch is right.. it’s VERY possible to be one of those fibrous clot. And I can’t help but wonder “are there others I don’t know about too?” 😞

I need to break this thing down, but can’t afford an $800 Green laser light. I’m alternating between methylene blue (that I just recently started due to Dr Ana Marie’s findings) and chlorine dioxide, as well as taking oral EDTA (3 days on, 4 days off), serrapeptase and zinc.

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Papain dissolves hydrogel. Papaya fruit.

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Very interesting. Papaya makes great skin balm too. I've being doing research it seems there is a Zn:Cu ratio that helps in the disassembly of the fibrils too. So it's a combination of hydrogel, amyloid and heavy metals. I need to do another post ...

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Apr 10Liked by 420MedicineMan

Does the papaya need to be unripe? It’s one of those fruits I’ve never had so I’m not sure of the most effective form of papain and how it’s administered.

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Kathleen, do you have a source for this information! I'm on an anti-hydrogel jag of late, and it was 420 Medicine Man's comment on a recent Ron Norris hydrogel post that got me here. :) Here was his amazing comment that got me here.

"I believe flow rate and temperature are large cause, also photoswitchability. The hydrogel is also tunable by photoswitchability. What I find even more interesting is calcium causes formation.

Photoswitchability also causes the hydrogel to lose tunability over time, or the amount of times it's photoswitched. I believe a Ca2+ is exchanged for a nanoheavy metal such as Zn2+, Mn2+, Ect. So the Ca2+ are the more clear glass like layer. The yellow/white layers is the slightly still photoswitchable layers so a mixture of calcium and nanoheavy metals."

"This is how I stumbled upon the photoswitchability using green laser, and a weak chelator Copper(ii) glycinate, along with the rest of the protocol I was taking. That disassembled the white clots."

Somehow, we have to "de-tune" the hydrogel, and I think Medicine Man is doing it with his green laser and copper glycinate.

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Apr 8Liked by 420MedicineMan

You can green 5 milliwatt green lasers from Amazon cheap. If its truly the green light frequency that is causing the improvement, in the 530 nm range, it shouldn't matter.

Like Matt said here https://woodnstone820.substack.com/p/more-good-news-and-positive-results/comments

the whole body of blood will rotate through the body in about 5 minutes. If you hold it on a vein in the same spot and let the blood circulate through that might work.

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Apr 7Liked by 420MedicineMan

I can personally relate to 'your spot on your finger'. If it is the same as my occurrences. I stumbled across something I would like to share.

On occasion I have had these minor itchy and mild pain lump appear, in a finger, they appear visually to be a bit like a clot, dark purple in appearance.

Just recently I had another, and as I am full on experimenting, I rubbed the location with a (steel washer torispherical shaped) strong Neodymium magnet and instantly the lump subsided and disappeared. I could not believe what I was seeing, as they usually last up to 2hrs or so.

All this told me was there was a connection to electronic fields, and I simply disrupted the clustering field.

I am NOT suggesting anyone use ANY magnets at all, apart from this encounter I have found them to be potentially quite harmful, I just could not believe the instant 'disintegration' of this anomaly at the time.

How do I use this safely moving forward? I am not sure yet.

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Hello Cos, you remind me of someone. ☺️ Anyhow, the clot disassembled back to the precursors in the blood, do you need to chelate it out.

The link below leads to article, where I left a comment on how I chelated it out.

Have a good one mate. 👍


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Please check out this website to learn about your body’s own perfect medicine and the best place to start is to use it externally

Nothing better for rashes, staph infection, and styes!


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"audio frequency" What was the Hz setting?

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That's such a great comment! As a goat lady myself, offering a hat tip to you!

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I'm not sure to message sam or 420medicineman. I read the photolysis research link posted by one of you and if I'm understanding properly, utilizing an IR 635nm light device for "therapy", i.e., LED therapy device could also be unloading whatever "payloads" are in the nanotech within me? Does it matter if 635NM is from laser or LED device? Would you consider it risky to use an LED IR 635nm therapy device? Many thanks for your posts, time & willingness to help humanity. So many are still "head in the sand" mind controlled its amazing to learn there are so many others that can "see" and accept whats happening to us. Fyi, tune into Jason Christoff's articles about mind control tactics, its eye-opening to fill in the blanks of what we've been picking up on in everyday distracted life. Heres his website with many key article links. https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/running-list-of-past-christoff-reports?cid=76ca6e6f-3843-40b5-b950-c6569c3cfaba

Thanks again! It takes a village!

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Thank you, on two fronts, 1)translation 2)some good news. Bless you my friend.

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No worries brother, you should call me. Maybe one day we could share a volcano. 😉

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Indeed brother you are. I’m living in Ireland and like so many of us round the world only folks to ‘talk’ to are virtual. Find it so hard to believe I spent most of my life unaware of extent of situation - as I worked in natural health for 30 years knew pharma/medical scam but still in love with life and so grateful for the beauty all around - needless to say pretty much hermit. Sharing a volcano sounds like great fun.

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Are you free from the technology now. It's alot of money but so worth it . I have nanobots ,hydrogel brain to computer. I'm targeted

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Hi there fellow TI.

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Hello,hope you are doing well with all the stuff they hit us with.

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I'm not sure to message you or 420medicineman. I read the photolysis research link posted by one of you and if I'm understanding properly, utilizing an IR 635nm light device for "therapy", i.e., LED therapy device could also be unloading whatever "payloads" are in the nanotech within me? Does it matter if 635NM is from laser or LED device? Would you consider it risky to use an LED IR 635nm therapy device? Many thanks for your posts, time & willingness to help humanity. So many are still "head in the sand" mind controlled its amazing to learn there are so many others that can "see" and accept whats happening to us. Fyi, tune into Jason Christoff's articles about mind control tactics, its eye-opening to fill in the blanks of what we've been picking up on in everyday distracted life. Heres his website with many key article links. https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/running-list-of-past-christoff-reports?cid=76ca6e6f-3843-40b5-b950-c6569c3cfaba

Thanks again! It takes a village!

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Apr 4Liked by 420MedicineMan

Thinking out loud......

Bathing in green light as per Dinshah's instructions may be just as effective?


In Spectro-chrome, Green is a physical equilibrator and tends to bring all bodily functions to their normal levels. Its one of the colors used in systemic tonations, along with Lemon and Turquoise.

Here are the attributes of Spectro-Chrome green, according to “Let There Be Light” by Darius Dinshah:

Cerebral equilibrator, areas #1-15. Physical equilibrator, systemic front

Pituitary stimulant and equilibrator, area #1

Stimulates the rebuilding of muscles and tissuew

Destroys micro-organisms, germs, bacteria: cleanses and prevents decay (germicide, bactericide, disinfectant, antiseptic)

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Very interesting, it might have some effect, out side the body and on the skin.

I don't think it will have the penetration needed to get to the Nanotech in the blood.

The laser has a condenser, and penetrates from memory about 1.5 cm into the body. You can use it as laser acupuncture tool.

Being skin is the largest organ of the body, that's a whole lot of capillary, venous and arterial vasculature with blood inside it being irradiated with 532nm green laser.


It doesn't have to be a frequency treated laser. They about $15 to $20 off of eBay for normal one.


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Jun 9Liked by 420MedicineMan

1.5cm deep - might be more efficient/affect more blood over an artery rather than a vein? Obviously not for the catheter route though 😀

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Veins are many times closer to the surface. I'm gonna try the five to ten minutes a day over wrist veins and see what happens .I may pull some blood before and after I'm curious to see if it makes a change under the microscope 🤗🙏❤️‍🔥

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Did you get a result?Have the laser to be used on veins or atherys?

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Jun 30Liked by 420MedicineMan

On a whim, I pointed my green lazer wand ($20 from amazon) into the hole of electric wall plug. I have lyme-CDB-Morgellons, CIRS, EHS...the affect was relaxation, better blood circulation, relief. Idk, why or what, i suspected it acted like a jammer to the above frequencies, but maybe the coherent green lazer light was distributed into the current and dispersed to the whole house and my body. The lazer only last 10 minutes before it needs recharging. I wonder if a plug in $100 lazer could be dedicated to shine continuously into the wallplug, would have same affect, wondering about ac current vs dc battery. Maybe im on to something idk, you are welcome to experiment, do you feel relief too?

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Jun 20Liked by 420MedicineMan

Thanks for all you do. I live in Colombia, SA and can get the evil Amazon delivered here. Do you know of one from Amazon that will work? I don't see the specs you mention on Amazon - 532nm. Oy

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Jun 14Liked by 420MedicineMan

It’s not rated how many MW .. 50Mw is what was listed to use . 80mw will light a match if focused …

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Mine uses a 3 volt battery not that powerful. 10 leds with condenser tube...

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Jun 12Liked by 420MedicineMan

Ty my friend

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Will the concentrated laser beam not heat and burn the skin? Maybe there are laser-flashlights with a wider beam not concentrated?

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Its a cold laser, like a pointer or range finder. No heat, no burned skin.

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Our practice uses biophoton therapy. Skin applications work, but requires many hours of "tonations" so can be impractical for most. More potent applications are via IV, directly through the eyes (we use the Photonwave system), or by laser. Also based on the work of SAM, we are experimenting with Green/Blue which show special properties to turn off networks. We have not constructed a laser cube, as she shared the prototype, we are doing it though Photonwave. Will be testing with live blood to see how effective it will be.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by 420MedicineMan

Practicality vs expense....

Unfortunately the weber system is invasive and expensive. Can you post a link to the Photon wave system machine?

I'm looking forward to finding the way which is least invasive, least expensive, easy to do and readily available.

More on tonation time... do it when you sleep.


Also thinking that forecasting may also be helpful to intensify the tonation.


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Photonwave is about $6,900 USD. Not attainable for all. We do quantum healing sessions with it for groups of people. Green laser would be much cheaper, so far in my live blood work have not been seeing dramatic shifts. Experimenting with longer sessions over time and tracking changes.

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Hopefully you get some good results.

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Green is the only color that naturally lands on the retina

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by 420MedicineMan

Thanks for sharing this amazing info. Some more items you may consider adding to your amoury - sunlight, for nitric oxide and oxygen uptake along with circadian rhythms, also free! See Dr Jack Kruse on twitter for lots of technical but practical info on this. And Dr William Davis' book Supergut, complete with probiotic superculture recipies, which really help break down the gut dysbiosis/heavy metals/parasite nexus.

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Oh mate don't get me going on my gut and poop. 😆 I'm good now, though.

The most potent natural anti parasitics I found were organic freshly crushed black walnut husk and organic wild Greek oregano oil, that combo even got rid of my stomach ulcer.

Twitter I wish, I made account, was put in sin bin without even making comment. 😔😉

Those probiotic superculture recipes sound awesome.

Thanks for the comment.

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Hi Medicine Man.

Does oregano oil kill e coli? I understand that e coli is one of the vehicles of choice to deliver nanotech! Kill the e coli, kill the source of potential "payload'?

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See Dr Ana Mihalcea's substack post about Dr. Hilda Clarks research (deep dive! Stay with it) about the nano polymers (plastics) & what diosolves them. As Dr Mihalcea posts, the nano polymers like polystyrene are the foundation for the nanotech. She uses iv EDTA, methylene blue, & vit C to breakdown & detox the nanotech. Dr Hilda comments that certain essential oils have been tested to break down plastics like polystyrene . She hyposthesized this may also breakdown the nano-polymers (plastics) foundations for nanotech in humans. Oregano essential oil was specifically mentioned among a few others & tested in polystyrene cups for its disolving capability. It caught my attention since I use oregano essential oil as my go to preventative & fix for just about everything human & animal.

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Jun 13Liked by 420MedicineMan

I’ll Pass on the Methylene blue from now on .. for many reasons … tried it till my kidney almost fell out .. I recovered after two weeks of rest .. maybe the detox was too intense all at once . Agent11317 has a write up on it , it may work but may also be used in the future against us if residuals are built up in the body .

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E. Coli is normal gut flora along with others. We don't want to knock out all E.Coli.

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Banned from Twitter here for questioning kov.id.C0Nstruct.

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Where should I order these supplements? TY!

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deletedMay 5
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Thank you!!

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Apr 9Liked by 420MedicineMan

Hello! Hoping for input here. please regarding Terahertz Wands. Stated having Quatum scalar, Quartz crystal, Far infrared, and Tetraherz frequency.

Some of the same frequencies as are in DNA, RNA and Proteins; also the same frequency of hydrogen bonding network of water.

I bought one from a reputable

US company.

Any comments or conjectures please, regarding the potential of this unit also a 'weapon of defense' against the three



Thank you

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I'm on an anti-hydrogel jag of late, and it was your comment on a Ron Norris hydrogel post, 420 Medicine Man, that got me here. :)

Here was your AMAZING comment that prompted me to join and jump in to your SubStack.

"I believe flow rate and temperature are large cause, also photoswitchability. The hydrogel is also tunable by photoswitchability. What I find even more interesting is calcium causes formation.

Photoswitchability also causes the hydrogel to lose tunability over time, or the amount of times it's photoswitched. I believe a Ca2+ is exchanged for a nanoheavy metal such as Zn2+, Mn2+, Ect. So the Ca2+ are the more clear glass like layer. The yellow/white layers is the slightly still photoswitchable layers so a mixture of calcium and nanoheavy metals."

"This is how I stumbled upon the photoswitchability using green laser, and a weak chelator Copper(ii) glycinate, along with the rest of the protocol I was taking. That disassembled the white clots."

Somehow, we have to "de-tune" the hydrogel, and I think Medicine Man is doing it with his green laser and copper glycinate.

What is the rest of your protocol, if you don't mind me asking? And, were you somehow able to confirm total dissolution of the Kreepy Klotz via microscope? SubStack Micronauts Karl C, David Nixon and SAM are having and showing, via scope, amazing results with sodium citrate and charcoal to chelate.

What think ye, good sir?

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I think I'm going to write a post on it.😊

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I would think we would need to deactivate the Nanotech first… Just to prevent it from assembling in the liver or kidneys when chelating?

Hence, the laser makes sense to kill off the Nanotech before using something like EDTA or sodium citrate

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Jan 23Liked by 420MedicineMan

Where can you buy this Green Diode Laser with 4D Sacred Geometry Audio Frequency programed into it???

(You liked my comment about Dr. Ana's Highly Recommended Information: "Reality Of The Targeting Program" Symposium This Friday January 26th, 2024 12-3pm EST)

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It's sub atomic phonons fused into the laser via frequency machine. It works, I've sat in the frequency machine before to.

From South Africa. Where all the product comes from.


From Australia.


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Thank you. Does this have the 4D sacred geometry audio frequency programmed into it?

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Thank you

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Actually, this info comes from 420MedicineMan but here's a link:


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Links go to 404 pages.

Is this the laser??


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Yes it is

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Thanks !

I noticed that I feel much better when I’m in the sun. In fact, I eat less, and I think it’s because I’m getting the energy from the sun as well. It is nuking the biofilm.

So I start thinking when I go back home, in the winter, to go into a tanning bed. To get some of the healthy UVAUVB.

You wouldn’t happen to know, or know if someone who would know… If the technology in the Covid injections are transferable in a sunbed?

Because the only thing that’s holding me back is if there’s a bunch of injected people using the bed. I know that , sunbed can neutralize and kill biofilm and Nanotech… But I don’t know if it has the same effect on spike protein, the other bullshit in the injection when someone is sweating it out

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Hi Craig,

I was explaining to someone today about your research results regarding the blue fibres and their data carrying capacity. Could you please forward any info you have.

Best Regards,


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Dr Robert Duncan commented on the data capacity in one of his interviews and at one of the conventions he gave a speech at.

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Was it his 2019 lecture at MIT about soul hacking? Its an hour of boring monotone that still scares the shit outa me. https://everydayconcerned.net/ramola-dreports/todays-science-and-technology/robertduncanmitlecture/

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Hit on you from Karl. C Substack. Very glad I stopped by for a read. Great work so thank you very much for sharing.

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May 27, 2023Liked by 420MedicineMan

What do you think about this Cold Laser Wrist X device from Miramate.....maybe this is an easy

way to accomplish the same thing?


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From what I can see the Green LED's are not using a multi laser diode condenser, it's why it needs to be used on the wrist where the veins and arteries are closer to the surface, and make it more ergonomically effective. So you couldn't use it for laser acupuncture all over the body.

Unlike a single multi laser diode condenser which can be used for laser acupuncture. Plus the more skin exposure the more absorbance of light particles into the capillary system. So you wave it all over the skin like a magic wand.

Plus it's not utilizing the same technology at all.

From the Nanobiotechnology literature the red lasers activate the drug dispersion from the hydrogel. Not sure what that would do to the people injected or the people shedded upon.

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Dr Ana Mihalcea is touting blue light therapy. I wonder the difference between green and blue light therapies.

And LED versus other delivery.

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I like your poems bro.

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Jun 12Liked by 420MedicineMan

I have a green laser but no idea how to get a frequency in it ...or is it possible to buy the right green laser with the frequency programmed in ?❤️‍🔥🙏🤗

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Look in comments on second article on my substack there is link.

It's very expensive the frequency treated laser. $(AUS)650 or something close to that.

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May 6Liked by 420MedicineMan

Hey 420MedicineMan, have you seen or investigated an alleged nano-disengagement device product called Spyk? Its allegedly utilizing pulsed frequencies but thats as much as the site shares. (Red flag or protecting the tech?) I don't want to hijack this thread or provide false hope to anyone, etc. I tried direct messaging you however it is either down from a bug, not allowed, etc. So if you prefer, message me with an alternative communication method and I'll share the link with you. I've requested the test methods, results, etc. So hopefully I'll have a response by the time we connect. Fyi, I prefer to utilize protonmail for secure coms.

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So strange the messaging here didn't work.

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Thank you for sharing this! We work with the Photonwave biophoton system, and have also found it helpful for cleaning the blood, and also track with live blood analysis. We are also experimenting with intranasal green laser to see if it works. So far, the blood is not looking much improved. Can you give feedback about how often the green light needs to be done per week and for what time? We are also integrating biomagnetism with the light therapy. Just trying to dial in to the optimal therapies.

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2 to 3 times a day for 20 minutes each session, I was doing it everyday. Waving the laser as close as possible to skin, over my whole body, except for eyes and thyroid.

Its like colouring in with a pen.

When you have those white clots in your veins, it's easy to remain disciplined with the routine.

Under the tongue would be another good spot. I've been told with the optic fibre 532nm IV laser under the tongue gives similar results as the IV. Which is only 20 minutes once per week, it reduces microbot load by 50 to 80%.

From memory the laser light I use penetrates up to 1.5cm. The surveillance is under the skin, so I'm sure different application will give different results

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Thank you! We have been using it intranasally as well, direct access to the brain.

We are experimenting integrating it with biomagnetism and scalar frequencies to detox covid so shorten the time for use of the laser. Tracking with live blood. Blood is not showing significant changes, perhaps less "clotting" patterns.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Author

The alginate hydrogel that uses calcium nano wires, doesn't disassemble with green laser be it fibre or gel. Sodium citrate chelates this type of hydrogel out via kidneys. That could be the hydrogel you're observing.

The entangled hydrogel does disassemble, which is two hydrogels entangled together, which makes up most of the white clots. The alginate is the sensor comms

So I believe we're dealing with 3 meta hydrogels, which there may be derivatives of.

Also it took 7 days for the white clots to start thinning and pulling apart. By 10 days they were gone. I did it for 3 weeks to make sure.

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Apologies for potential multiple posts, I'm not seeing any of them show up when replying to your post. I'm not sure to message you or 420medicineman. I read the photolysis research link posted by one of you and if I'm understanding properly, utilizing an IR 635nm light device for "therapy", i.e., LED therapy device could also be unloading whatever "payloads" are in the nanotech within me? Does it matter if 635NM is from laser or LED device? Would you consider it risky to use an LED IR 635nm therapy device? Many thanks for your posts, time & willingness to help humanity. So many are still "head in the sand" mind controlled its amazing to learn there are so many others that can "see" and accept whats happening to us. Fyi, tune into Jason Christoff's articles about mind control tactics, its eye-opening to fill in the blanks of what we've been picking up on in everyday distracted life. Heres his website with many key article links. https://courses.jchristoff.com/blog/running-list-of-past-christoff-reports?cid=76ca6e6f-3843-40b5-b950-c6569c3cfaba

Thanks again! It takes a village!

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Apr 17Liked by 420MedicineMan

Hey Rumble Dad, are you being shadow banned?

Here on Substack, I am only able to see a total of 3 articles written by you (including in your "archive") in 2023 dated March 5th, May 16th and May 27th. Pretty sure you have published more than 3, no?

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I've only published 2 articles, and restacked one. So substack is still good. I comment a bit...

Strategy, sometimes requires patience. I will post more soon.

I may try X twitter, I was suspended in sign up process, didn't even get to post.

Facebook is letting me comment about Nanotech and add links. Few months ago it wouldn't let me do that.

So something is changing... :)))

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Apr 18Liked by 420MedicineMan

Good to hear. Thanks for your outstanding research and courage.

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Are you THE Rumble Dad that Sabrina Wallace talks about? 😄 With the Nonvaxxer420 Rumble channel?

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Apr 6Liked by 420MedicineMan

Hi, congratulations for the great work.

It would be nice to have a comparison with a Green laser bean without the sacred geometry created Vortex in order to gain insight on the effect of laser alone and of the added value of the Vortex energy. Again, thanks for your efforts, best regards

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Thank you. Silvia is in Lapland, has done fantastic microscopy work used a plain laser I think. Expensive vortex lasers though. You do get a nice warm tingling feeling from it, and it relieves pain for me.

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Mar 30Liked by 420MedicineMan

Thank you so much for this! Question for you -- did you hold the laser steady in each spot or did you spin it around? And what did you do about your back?

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You need companion or partner to do your back.

It can quiet sensual with right person 😆

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Apr 17Liked by 420MedicineMan

Green lasers -- the sex toy of the apocalypse. 😆 OK, but do you hold it steady in each spot or do you twirl it around?

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I twirl it,🤣 make infinity sign, push Devine masculine in, pull damaged parts out, own energy healing. On white clots I would use it more directly, and move it slowly over the clots, slowly moving acupuncture style, as close as possible.

I had to delete some words and rewrite that a few times. 😆

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